
Reaching People. Building Lives.

Next Generation

Milestone College prepares you for more than just a career path. We fully believe that excellent education, paired with real-life ministry application, is the best way to develop the next generation of ministry leaders. This is your future; this is our future.


Leadership Culture

You will be immersed in the culture of Milestone Church. To live a life of influence, preparation is essential. Let Milestone College prepare you for your unique destiny with practical on-the-job ministry tracks.

Reaching People.
Building Lives.

Why choose Milestone College?


Strong Academics

During your time at Milestone College, you will benefit from the spiritual family and leadership culture of Milestone Church. You will also receive the opportunity to pursue a fully accredited bachelor’s degree from Oral Roberts University through engaging in onsite and online classes.


Personalization & Development

With our intentionally selected cohorts, you will have insider access to career counseling, personal coaching, and practical hands-on training. Every day, you will be challenged to grow in emotional intelligence, life skills, ministry philosophy and methodology, and biblical foundations.



The average four-year private university costs more per year than what a typical Milestone College student will pay over four undergraduate years. Find out more by attending one of Milestone College’s onsite Preview Days or emailing

Have questions?

Our team can’t wait to connect and talk with you about your specific questions.

Come Visit Us!

Preview Day

Join us and other prospective students and their families to learn more about our program and catch a glimpse of what it may feel like to be a student at Milestone College. You won’t want to miss a preview of one of our classes!

Campus Visit Day

Are you interested in learning more about Milestone College? You will have the opportunity to experience one of our live classes and meet a few of our current students.


Students start by pursuing a 124-credit-hour Bachelor of Arts Degree in Ministry and Leadership. This program is front-loaded with general education courses for easy transferability to other majors.



Can students receive an accredited degree from Milestone College? 

Milestone College is a ministry of Milestone Church. Oral Roberts University, in a collaborative agreement with Milestone Church, hosts an instructional site on the church campus and offers students affordable, regionally-accredited degree programs. ORU is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of the top accrediting organizations in the country.

Why is Milestone College partnering with Oral Roberts University to offer this degree program? 

There are a host of reasons that make ORU a fantastic educational partner. ORU provides a spiritual and historical pillar for a biblically-based worldview, spirit empowered higher education institution; Milestone Church provides the strength of the local church. ORU also places an institutional emphasis on retention, graduation, and placement of students.

What kind of emphasis is placed on academics at Milestone College?

Along with a significant ministry practicum, leadership focus, and lifestyle expectations, the academic load at Milestone College will be rigorous. One of Milestone Church’s core values is development; therefore, we believe in all our students being lifelong learners. 

Areas of Focus

Over the course of your four years, you will accumulate hundreds of hours of hands-on experience. This is a live lab: you will be putting whatever you are learning into practice, rather than only gaining knowledge. Our goal is for you to have meaningful ministry and leadership experience. 



Worship + Production



How Does This Program Work?

  • Two 7-week sessions each semester

  • 2-3 ORU classes per session with 12-15 credits per semester

  • Milestone College classes on Mondays and Wednesdays

  • ORU classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • A mixture of onsite and online courses

Application Process

  1. Visit

  2. Choose “Online Bachelor’s Programs” and Select your program (Bachelor of Ministry and Leadership)

  3. Request your transcripts to be sent to

  4. Let Milestone College know you completed your ORU application by emailing:

  5. Complete your Milestone College app at

Financial Aid

  1. Begin your FAFSA at 

  2. Complete using *ORU’s school code: 003985

  3. Wait for your confirmation email after submission and allow 72 hours for processing 

  4. Forward your confirmation code to ORU’s Admissions Advisor AND Milestone College

  5. Review your FAFSA with ORU to discuss potential options 

Our Faculty

  • Adjunct Professor

    • Discovering Health Fitness

    • Biomedical Ethics


  • Adjunct Professor

    • Pastoral Approaches to Counseling


  • Adjunct Professor

    • Old Testament Introduction

    • New Testament Introduction

    • Hermeneutics

    • Pentateuch


  • Adjunct Professor

    • Oral Communication


  • Adjunct Professor

    • Spirit-Empowered Living

    • Spirit-Empowered Leadership

    D. Min., M. Div.

  • Adjunct Professor

    • Personal Financial Planning

    • Principles of Biology


  • Adjunct Professor

    • American Government and Politics


  • Adjunct Professor

    • Introduction to Christian Missions

    • Christian Leadership

    • Church Growth & Planting

    • Worldview, Culture, and Apologetic



Reaching People. Building Lives.